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Membership of The Botanical Society of Japan (the BSJ) is open to anyone interested in botany.
BSJ has five types of membership: Regular, Overseas Regular*, Student, Overseas Student*, and Senior**.

* Overseas membership (Overseas Regular, Overseas Student) is only for residents outside Japan (persons who have been living or will soon have lived outside Japan for at least 1 year).

** Senior membership is for persons who have been a BSJ member for at least 5 years, are older than 65 years, and have no regular job.

Note: You are NOT an Overseas Regular / Overseas Student member if you are currently living and studying in Japan.

Membership fees per year (from January to December):

Regular: 11,000 yen

Overseas Regular: US$60

Student: 2,000 yen*

Overseas Student: US$20*

Senior: 6,000 yen

*For student membership, the signature of your academic supervisor is required.

Note: Membership is automatically renewed every year. To cancel your membership, you are required to contact The BSJ Member Support Center (E-mail:

BSJ Member Benefits

1) Free online access to the Journal of Plant Research.

※The printed version of Journal of Plant Research is available upon extra payment of 5,200 yen (Japan) or US$40 (Overseas) for an annual subscription (six booklets). For further information, please contact the Botanical Society of Japan office (E-mail:

2) Free access to online information from BSJ.

How to sign up for membership

1. Sign up on the Website

<Requested information>

  • Names: (Surname Other names)
  • Date of Birth
  • Full postal address
  • Tel number
  • Fax number
  • E-mail address
  • Signature of your academic supervisor (png or jpg file) *
  • *Student only

2. Sign up by Email or Fax

Download Membership application (PDF) and please send the scanned copy of completed form to The BSJ Member Support Center (E-mail:, Fax 81-3-5981-6012)

How to pay Membership fees

Domestic members: Remittance at Postal Office or Convenience Store in Japan

*We will send you a payment slip for the membership fee within 2 weeks to 1 month after receiving your application for membership. Please make a payment with the slip at Postal Office or Convenience Store.

International members: Bank transfer or Credit card (please contact The BSJ Member Support Center for details).

The BSJ Member Support Center

Address: RENEX Shin-otsuka 3F, 5-3-13 Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0012, Japan

Tel: +81-3-5981-6011

Fax: +81-3-5981-6012


The Botanical Society of Japan Office

Address: Epoch 2F, 2-27-2 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan

Tel: +81-3-3814-5675

Fax: +81-3-3814-5352
