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ホーム > 一般向け情報 > 生物科学ニュース > 【国際会議】第20回 International Botanical Congress 口頭発表のための要旨提出期限 12月8日まで延長

【国際会議】第20回 International Botanical Congress 口頭発表のための要旨提出期限 12月8日まで延長

2023年12月 1日


2024年7月にマドリッドで行われるInternational Botanical Congressからのお知らせです。


IBC Abstract Deadline Extended

The organizers of the IBC have extended the deadline for submitting abstracts for oral contributions to symposia to 8 December! See the website for more details (https://ibcmadrid2024.com/).

The early deadline for symposium talks will allow time for symposium organizers to compile the final list of speakers with sufficient lead time before the early bird registration period ends. The deadline for the submission of abstracts for poster presentations will remain open until February 1st, 2024. Proposals for satellite meetings and workshops will also remain open until February 1st, 2024.

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