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ホーム > 一般向け情報 > 生物科学ニュース > 【国際会議】第20回 International Botanical Congress 参加申込割引期間が6月17日に終了します。

【国際会議】第20回 International Botanical Congress 参加申込割引期間が6月17日に終了します。

2024年6月 7日




Dear colleagues;  

I am writing on behalf of the organizers of the International Botanical Congress to advise you that the deadline for regular registration is coming up soon, on 17 June. I encourage you to register now to avoid the higher late registration prices.

Please see the Congress website for the latest news and the registration page: https://ibcmadrid2024.com/index.php.

The Congress website has information about invited speakers, accommodations, excursions, the Nomenclature Section, and much more. The scientific program looks very exciting with numerous symposia on a wide range of topics, and a diverse selection of invited speakers.

See you in Madrid!


Patrick Herendeen, Chair

International Association for Botanical and Mycological Societies


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