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【学術集会】World Rainforest Day Virtual Summit



Dear Sir/Ma'am,

I cordially invite your team to the World Rainforest Day Summit to be held on 21st and 22nd June, 2023 in celebration of World Rainforest Day. Launched in 2021 by Rainforest Partnership, the World Rainforest Day Global Summit, a community-powered event for and by rainforest guardians and environmental champions, offers education, entertainment, and activation to drive more holistic impact for critical ecosystems.

Sessions involving 25+ organizations will explore conservation, restoration and regeneration through various angles, including: on-the-ground efforts, finance, rewilding, biodiversity, education, and more! There will be ample networking opportunities for all attendees and speakers alike.

The Summit is to be held virtually on 21st and 22nd June, 2023 (GMT) and is completely free to attend. The full program and registration are available here. Please note, a laptop or computer and Google Chrome are required to attend and sessions will be held in English. 

I hope to see you there! For more information, please do not hesitate to reach out. 

Best Regards,

Aishwarya Raval

Research and Outreach Lead

World Rainforest Day 

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